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sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010


this is beautiful day because I am in veracruz for once days in this moment I disfrute the sun and ocean .I came to visit my grandmother.
Friday lunch with my grandmother an at night my dad showed me how to drive a car taction.
Saturday I went for a swim and later go to the dunes.
                                                                             ISABEL MARTINEZ TIOL 1RO OF SECONDARY

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

happy birthday

Yesterday I went to my brother's birthday
celebrated in the dragon gotcha, I didn't play becausepaintballs hurt and were nine friends of my brotherand I was the only woman.but I was filming my brother's friends and my brotherplaying gotcha
we ate quesadillas and soft drinks but no cakebecause my brother doesn't like so we bought gelatin


jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010


Well, well... What can i say? I'm in my house and my dogs are disgusting... i don't know why but i hate them...
I sleep all afternoon since i arrived form school and i had a NIGHTMARE!!! THE WOLF EATING THE RAVEN ENTRAILS OF MY PLATE AND I ATE 'EM!! T____T
How ugly!
What else i write?...
Nothing else...
extraa point?! xD