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jueves, 16 de junio de 2011

im happy because i have an 8 in the exam of writhing because i talk abaute  VATARA  its a bery good film i like it at all =)
 michelle zam !
I'm nervous because I have to learn many things by the end of the year and I learned nothing else and that the steps of salsa!

michelle zam
Good mining to all :)

miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011

Good luck

Miss lisandra I don't know what write and i mist go to bed because my parents shout me "VETERAN A DORMIR" hahaha really I wish I pass the bimester please help me good bye have a good night ;)

Stop motion

The teacher of physics tell is we have o do a stop motion with 1400 photos in all the video and it a LOT :S

Health it's beauty

All o people think that the most importnant in the whole word is the beauty but all this people are in a big mistake because it's more important de health than the beauty and the person not the beauty ;)
By Santiago

Passive voice

The passive voice is a grammatical construction (a "voice") in which the subject of a sentence or clause denotes the recipient of the action (the patient) rather than the performer (the agent). In the English language, the English passive voice is formed with an auxiliary verb (usually be or get) plus a participle (usually the past participle) of a transitive verb.

For example, "Caesar was stabbed by Brutus" uses the passive voice. The subject denotes the person (Caesar) affected by the action of the verb. The counterpart to this in active voice is, "Brutus stabbed Caesar", in which the subject denotes the doer, or agent, Brutus.

A sentence featuring the passive voice is sometimes called a passive sentence, and a verb phrase in passive voice is sometimes called a passive verb. English differs from languages in which voice is indicated through a simple inflection, since the English passive is periphrastic, composed of an auxiliary verb plus the past participle of the transitive verb.

This definition gave me an English teacher last year

By Santiago