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lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

six flags

On SAtuTday  Iwent  to Six FlaGs wIth my fRiendS OssMara,
 MaRiana,JuAn, JuliO and JeSus .
The first Game we got WaS a JellYfish,
 OssmAra said  all kinds of ProfAniTy at tHe game.

LateR! (:
MaRiana, OssmaRa and I  get  into tHe bOomerAng, OssMara meT
a bOY namEd  HUGO  he waS nicE.  OsSmara tolD me tO teLL HUGO If  he
waNted  to get iN to tHe Bo0meranG  wiTh hEr.
I asKed aNd  HUGO saiD YES!!!!!!,,OssMara fell iN love
MariAna and I  toLd  to OssMarA : How you  fELL iN love if  you don´T  know anything  aboUt hiM  aNd  YOU  have BOYFRIEND!!!!???????
OssmAra said--- ¡¡¡SHUT   UP!!!!!!!
So  MariaNa aNd  I stArt laugHing (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)

OssmaRa aNd I get int0 thE KRAKATAU  bEcausE  Mariana anD JuAn told Us THAT  they got
DiZZy afTer that We get IN  to tHe  VUDU ,  marianA  and juan  waited
foR us  doWn.

Juan AnD OssmaRa NO ascEnded  to tHe SuUPERMAN  bEcause TheY were aFraid. JesUs,Julio , MariaNa aNd I told TheM to gO up buT THey saID NOO
JuAn and OssmArA  pReferred to went to tHe  SPLASH so They GOt WEt,
TheY  weRe dyiNg oF cOld.

EverYonE GEt on  tHe URACHUS eXcept  JesUS anD JuaN beCause  TheY  get DIZZY
ALSo  WE ascended the Batman eXcept Ossmara bEcause  She hiT his heAd on tHe  oTHer gamE naMed boomerang

My Mother  wAs dYing  oF coLD  aNd  TolD uS tHAt  wAs timE of  go !!
WE LEFT AT 20:30

Atte MIriaM
MiriAmmmm  (:      (: 


1 comentario:

  1. yea i remember that they i hope go other day and go to the superman because i want to gooo again
